Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Freedom = Boredom

So yeah, it is as descriptive as the title gets, I get my freedom, but it is full of boredom...

My O's are over, well, two days ago, and I guess it will be quite a bore for these few days. I'm doing a holiday job at my uncle's company. However, it is more like me going there two learn a few skills and get paid along the way. Really quite exciteded about it but slighty nervous for my first job, not sure what I should do and stuff. I'm not sure about the arrangements but it is laid on the table. Either I go to KL for a month to work, where all the equipment are, or I stay in Singapore, but I guess there'll not much to be done.

But other than that, life is free and easy... I guess a little too free though. Been chatting with my friends on whatsapp, but I guess it is mostly on random stuff and Grad Lunch (more on "my sch blog").

So, I've returned to what I love best... Anime! Been so long since I watched any vids. Yes, I know it makes me sound like a typical nerd or a Otaku (ppl REALLY into Anime), but I guess I'm not at such a level. I just love their graphics and stuff. The actors really put a lot of effort in their voice, which is also why I prefer subbed version of Jap voiced Anime rather than English dubbed. I don't really understand Jap, bt now and then I can guess what they mean, however rare and occurance. But I'm still more into the amazing graphic and the feelings you can hear in their voices.

I've also been thinking of finally getting an Xbox or pretty much anything related... My parents never allowed me to get one, but with this really long break, I guess it is fine to ask again.. Haha, I'm really under their control, like a puppet and all, but not absolutely. I also want a bicycle, been a real long time since I got one. My parents also do not allow me to get one but I just really want one. It has just been insanely long since my last one (in primary school or sth). They are constantly on that dangers of cycling on the road and stuff and I understand their concern, but I just really want to cycle a whole lot.

Other than that, just returning to my usual workout. Lost lots of muscles in the long run and added some fats.. Haha. But I guess I gotta get back in shape.

Yep, that's pretty much it for now. I'll also be going on a tour to Taiwan with my family some time later, I guess I'll be posting more on it later.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Infatuation or Love?

Hello blogwalkers, the only people who probably will ever read my blog. Been qite some time since a last post to share with yo my life. My GEIIs coming round the corner, with English next Thursday. It's 11:23 pm, so I'm going to make this short.

The main reason I set up this blog was just to write about my emotions or any outstanding activities. Indeed, I have a few unposted activities like my O'level English oral last Friday, but that ain't the purpose of this post.

I think I'm in love.... But I'm worried that it's just an infatuation. It's also a very important year with the O'levels at the end of the year. Hence I'm torn within these conflicting feelings. I am in love with this girl in class. She's inteligent, funny, pretty and a whole load more. Indeed we may be friends but telling her now may cause conflicting emotions for her as well, especially with the important end of year examinations round the corner. I've always wanted to confess to her at the end of the year after the examinations, but after that, we may be separated due to school allocations, be it JC or Poly.

I'm in love with her but a change of relationship now may cause many difficulties. So, I want to keep everything as it is so that it will not affect our studies. I think of her every night, but at the same time, I'm worried it's all an infatuation.

So you readers should be getting the gist of it by now. So, I won't complain anymore. But I sure look forward to the end of our O'levels, where I could finally confess my feelings, although I'm not sure how as the mood may be all wrong. All in all, I'm in love, or at least I believe so, and I want to confess to her after O'levels so that we could, hopefully, spend our time together during the long break after O'levels and the new start in a new school. So, for now, I'll do my best in academics and hope for the best later.

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Woman In Black - Official Trailer [HD]

During afternoon tea
There's a shift in the air
A bone trembling chill
That tells you she's there
There are those who believe the whole town is cursed
But the house in the marsh is by far the worst
But she wants this unknown
But she always comes back
The spectre of darkness
The woman in black

Monday, July 11, 2011

Oh time and education....

I recently read an article on a modern illness yet to be cured, especially prominent in developed countries. This illness has a cure, but those infected do not wish to take it. Instead, they carry on their lives with it, oblivious to the damage done to them. This illness in the article was called "busyness".

Just a few keypoints I picked out from the article. I have no idea where the article is and thus the sentence may vary quite a sum, since it was read quite some time ago. Some of the examples would be using my own as well. Despite technological advancements trying to increase the effeciency of humans, the time saving effect we try to grasp at has become a time wasting one. We build and buy cars to get us to places faster. Instead, we get stuck in traffic and red faced drivers are definitely not a rare sight. We build washing machines, printers, computers, trying to get the job done faster. Yet, we never seem to have enough time.

Some may believe it is an issue of time management. However, with the increasing expectations and jobs we place on ourselves, we end up with less leisure time than our ancestors did before. Even with our leisre time, we fill it to the brim with all sorts of activities. Even in the most unlikely of places, be it on the bus or the toilet bowl, one is expected to be working all the time. If we are not SEEN doing something, contributing to society, we would ths be considered a burden, a pile of junk slowing down society.

In spending our free time doing something, even of the least importance, we fail to sit back and relax. Children are forced to study or die in this competitive world. The time to dream, think and grow has been robbed from or childhood. Being a teen in the face of an important examination, this is not difficult to relate to. I can do all the work I want, but if I am not seen doing it, it doesn't count and I get nagged all the time. There is no time for me to relax or daydream, for my life is expected to be composed of study, eat and sleep. Nothing else is important. School hours are extended till it is like a five day work week. The older generations expect nothing less.

Education is considered a priority, so much that probably 75% of out lives are forced into it. The older generation do not bother of how the new system works. Their stubborn mindset limits advancements. In my case, JC is a must and going to poly means that I'll be a failure in life forever. However, in this day and age, JC and poly should be equally recognised. They are after all using 2 different teaching methods. I happen to be more of a kinetic learner and can't sit in a lecture hall or I'll fall into a deep slumber, hence, I kinda want to go poly cause it is a more hands on approach. However, with my parents influence, JC still gotta be my first choice before poly.

So.... what the heck people. You gotta learn to relax and change with the times. Don't follow the system you are used to, but rather adapt it to fir the advancements of the society. The system has gotta be less rigid or just because your learning style is different, you'll be forced to go down the gutter.