Thursday, July 1, 2010

Oh, my life....

It's truly is getting topsy turvy. They say Secondary 3 is the best time of your life in my school. You are trusted by your juniors, you are probably leaders in you CCA, and you do not have the stress from O-level yet. I'm really doubting this...

Yes, I am a leader and I am trusted. I do not have the imense stress yet. But life is still hell. Just look at my school blog and know the entire crap. Feel so angry still. I feel like I am spreading propaganda against my school... LOL

First week after mid-year holidays. Things are just getting more and more messed up in school... My life, itself, I guess, is still pretty good. But I feel less motivated about school everytime I gotta face up to the crap there. All the blah blah blah system...

Oh yeah, almost forgot to tell you guys. I went to Universal Studios on Sunday. Paid S$70++. Guess what I got... A total rip-off! The rides were crap. Most were closed for maintainance. And these people have the nerves to keep such things hidden till you pay and get in. In addition, as school was starting, all tickets were sold out except Sunday's, and it is like S$20 more expensive. The good in there are like daylight robbery. If you're gonna buy things, do not ever do it there. Not a good place to go. A plain hotdog, no toppings whatsoever costs S$5.90! Bottled drinks costs S$3! I could buy 1litre bottle of coke for S$1.80! With promotion 2 for S$1.80! Mega pissed off with Universal Studios. The only ride that I could take the that was nice, was the one at the Mummy section. As in mummy the zombie thingy with loads of wrappings. The rest could hardly be called entertainment. Time waster is a more suitable title.
Things that were good and was OPEN on that day:
- the mummy ride
- the 4d shrek movie
- the special effects theatre.
S$70+ for 3 good things!? Not worth it. Just go to an amusement park...

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