Monday, February 22, 2010


Chingay left me pretty zonked out. 19.2.2010, I did the tail for the lion. 20.2.2010, I did the head. My tail (previously head) ran away. Blasted !^@%ed up Sec one bastard. Had to get a replacement to be my tail. At least I know this new guy (Sec 3 too, same CCA, OK friend). Damn the sec 1 wuss.

I know I should be placing this at the school blog like the rest of the Chingay lion dance related posts, but I decided to place this one here. I'll put a more detailed one later.

CNY mood still going on. Tuition teacher bought us some sweets to eat. Sadly, I had to go to the dentist to tighten my braces. My teeth became too pain and hence, I was unable to eat any....

So yeah, refer to for the more detailed Chingay and I'll post one mor on my CCA too. Thats all for now.

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