Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sites I like

Well, I found the sites recently while searching for sites to download stuff. It's free!
This one's not very recent. Used for quite a few months already. But I don't download that much...
This one is free movies! Quality is not that good but all the same.

Share with us more great sites you can find! Games, downloads, show, etc. Make sure there's no virus, spyware, hacks, etc. Free if it's possible. Not all free stuff are unreliable you know!

Chingay photos

Yeah... I know it's really late to be posting up Chingay parade photos. But I wasn't able to do so earlier. Technical problems.

Above: S.I. Ridoy
Below: Lee W.Y.

Above: (left to right) Lee W.Y. and Derek T.M.S
............ No, they are not gay. W.Y. just trying to get Derek in photo
Below: E.Q. Lim

Yeah, I know there's no me in it. Well, I'm the one taking the photos with my cell. I did take a photo of myself but I don't usually paste photos of myself on the net.

abuse of power

found this on youtube

This video is not mine. I really hate hackers, mods, etc..

Monday, February 22, 2010


Chingay left me pretty zonked out. 19.2.2010, I did the tail for the lion. 20.2.2010, I did the head. My tail (previously head) ran away. Blasted !^@%ed up Sec one bastard. Had to get a replacement to be my tail. At least I know this new guy (Sec 3 too, same CCA, OK friend). Damn the sec 1 wuss.

I know I should be placing this at the school blog like the rest of the Chingay lion dance related posts, but I decided to place this one here. I'll put a more detailed one later.

CNY mood still going on. Tuition teacher bought us some sweets to eat. Sadly, I had to go to the dentist to tighten my braces. My teeth became too pain and hence, I was unable to eat any....

So yeah, refer to for the more detailed Chingay and I'll post one mor on my CCA too. Thats all for now.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy CNY 2010!

7.30pm.... yet to eat dinner.... with this compter in the study room and the lights are off.... so dark.

13/2/10, CNY eve. 'bout to go down for steamboat reunion dinner! Went to the temple this morning to pay respect to my grandparents and great grand parents.

Anyway, gotta go now. Steamboat waiting for me down stairs.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Still pretty mundane, but feeling extremely pissed.

If you want to know why I'm pissed, check out I'm not going to blog about it or I'll be ranting it again here.

Other than that, I'm pretty OK. My sister has a flu and today is her birthday! How disheartening.

Putting that aside, my life is screwed front, back, left, right, upside down, inside out, etc. I had a bad day at school. Didn't bother blogging it out on either of my 2 blogs. Don't want to piss myself off any further.

Btw, pre-Happy Chinese New Year to all of ya out there!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Oh, what the hell....

I mean that I have nothing to write but decided to blog to prove my existance.... Is it existance or existence? Just tell me using comments. Thx.

I'm like staying up late to watch anime 'cause I'm just so Good damn bored.... Common tests comming. Read up my SS just now....

That's all 4 now. BB!