Monday, September 6, 2010

Recycle more!

My mother asked my sister to clean up her table. All the trash went into the bin. However, was it really trash? Well, I managed to ransack more then half of the paper that were recycable. And out of the ones I ransacked, there were Secondary 1 mock examination papers, not even touched at all. And out of that pile I ransacked, about 20% of it were reusable. And this was not all the paper they threw away! There's still loads more waiting to be saved. There's already one mammoth pile of recycable paper under my table. Will out them up for recycling tomorrow...

So save the friggin Earth already. Mother Nature gave us life and the Earth let us live on it without expecting anything in return. Yet, we ungrateful beings continuously pollute and destroy the enviroment. Talk about being civilised.

One man's trash is another man's treasure. In fact, there is actually no such thing as trash. Everything can be, and should be, recycled somehow or the other. I collected so much useful material from just what my sister threw away in one go! Just imagine the amount of gold we threw into the drains and buried under the ground, not bothering to give them a second chance. Imagine the amount of people throwing this gold to nowhere at one time! And they did this act countlessly! We need to save the world. If not for us, at least for our descendants.

Why are we biting the hand that feeds us?! Shouldn't we be more grateful? Do you think we actually have the right to call outselves a living thing beyond that of what shold be classified as mammals? Are we as civilised as we claim to be?